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10% zniżki dla rodzin.

Wszystkie rodziny otrzymyją 10% zniżki
na kursy języka angielskiego.


Kurs j. angielskiego specjalistycznego

Plan kursu Ceny i daty kursu

  • One-to-One Specialised
  • One-to-One Specialised

Ľubomír Galko from the Slovak Republic Minister of Defence


I am writing to express my gratitude for your efforts and assistance during my English studies in Malta. When I look back, I see myself seeking improvement. Now, after returning to Slovakia I am confident my speaking skills and grammar knowledge have improved and I managed to make a step forward. That all would not be possible without your efforts and skills you have presented during my studies. The information and advice you gave me have helped me to achieve my goals in order to improve. I appreciate the time you spent with me and my friend Mr. Szilard Somogyi. For that, I want to thank you for your professional help and wish you and your colleagues at your language school all the best and many more students. I also wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your class this August.

Ľubomír Galko from the Slovak Republic Minister of Defence

Ceny i daty kursu

  • Wiek 18+
  • Choose 20 or 30 One-to-One lessons (1 student per class)
  • English levels: Elementary (A2), Pre-Intermediate (A2+), Intermediate (B1), Upper-Intermediate (B2), Advanced (C1), Proficiency (C2)
  • Do ceny nalezy doliczyc €50 oplaty rejestracyjnej (za zamowienie) oraz €30 oplaty za materialy do nauki.

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Price excludes our €50 registration fee PER BOOKING & €30 course resources fee PER STUDENT. These extra fees will be added to your final invoice.

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