Курс английского на каникулах Спорт
Аннотация курса Даты начала курсов и цены
Даты начала курсов и цены
- Age 8-12, 13-18
- 20 group lessons (Max. 14 students per class)
- 2 sports training sessions
- English levels: Beginner (A0/A1), Elementary (A2), Pre-Intermediate (A2+), Intermediate (B1), Upper-Intermediate (B2), Advanced (C1)
- Price excludes our €50 registration fee PER BOOKING & €30 course resources fee PER STUDENT. These extra fees will be added to your final invoice.
Закажите курс онлайн!
One-to-One courses are available outside of Spring, Summer and Autumn. Please contact us directly for booking.
Price excludes our €50 registration fee PER BOOKING & €30 course resources fee PER STUDENT. These extra fees will be added to your final invoice.
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