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10% Family discount

All families receive a 10% discount on 
English courses!


Adult General English Course  

Adult General English course

우리 학교의 일반 영어 코스는 학생들이 다양한 일상 상황에서 영어로 효과적으로 의사소통을 할 수 있게 돕도록 설계된 그룹 코스입니다.

상세 정보 & 예약 보기

  • Age 16+
  • Choose 20 or 30 group lessons (Max. 10 students per class)
  • English levels: Elementary (A2), Pre-Intermediate (A2+), Intermediate (B1), Upper-Intermediate (B2)
  • Price excludes our €50 registration fee PER BOOKING & €30 course resources fee PER STUDENT. These extra fees will be added to your final invoice.

1 Sep 2024 - 30 Dec 2024

Price per week :  €210

General English Mini-group - Advanced Level (C1)  

Advanced General English group

상세 정보 & 예약 보기

  • Age 18+
  • Choose 20 or 30 mini-group lessons (Max. 5 students per class)
  • English levels: Advanced (C1), Beginner (A0/A1)
  • Price excludes our €50 registration fee PER BOOKING & €30 course resources fee PER STUDENT. These extra fees will be added to your final invoice.

가정 교습 영어 코스  

Home Tuition English Course

상세 정보 & 예약 보기

  • Age 16+
  • English levels: Beginner (A0/A1), Elementary (A2), Pre-Intermediate (A2+), Intermediate (B1), Upper-Intermediate (B2), Advanced (C1), Proficiency (C2)
  • Price excludes our €50 registration fee PER BOOKING & €30 course resources fee PER STUDENT. These extra fees will be added to your final invoice.

1 대 1 영어 코스  

One-to-One English course

상세 정보 & 예약 보기

  • Age 18+
  • 20 or 30 One-to-One lessons (1 student per class)
  • English levels: Beginner (A0/A1), Elementary (A2), Pre-Intermediate (A2+), Intermediate (B1), Upper-Intermediate (B2), Advanced (C1), Proficiency (C2)
  • Price excludes our €50 registration fee PER BOOKING & €30 course resources fee PER STUDENT. These extra fees will be added to your final invoice.

전문화된 1 대 1 코스  

One-to-One Specialised

상세 정보 & 예약 보기

  • Age 18+
  • Choose 20 or 30 One-to-One lessons (1 student per class)
  • English levels: Elementary (A2), Pre-Intermediate (A2+), Intermediate (B1), Upper-Intermediate (B2), Advanced (C1), Proficiency (C2)
  • Price excludes our €50 registration fee PER BOOKING & €30 course resources fee PER STUDENT. These extra fees will be added to your final invoice.

2 대 1 영어 코스  

Two-to-One English Course

상세 정보 & 예약 보기

  • Age 18+
  • Choose 20 or 30 Two-to-One lessons (2 students per class)
  • English levels: Beginner (A0/A1), Elementary (A2), Pre-Intermediate (A2+), Intermediate (B1), Upper-Intermediate (B2), Advanced (C1), Proficiency (C2)
  • Price excludes our €50 registration fee PER BOOKING & €30 course resources fee PER STUDENT. These extra fees will be added to your final invoice.
  • 1
  • 2

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Price excludes our €50 registration fee PER BOOKING & €30 course resources fee PER STUDENT. These extra fees will be added to your final invoice.

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학교 면허 & 인가